
Culgaith CofE

Primary School

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Class 3

Spring 2025


Welcome back, we hope you have had a wonderful Christmas break, we look forward to hearing all about your adventures. We are excited for the term ahead with a packed curriculum. This term our main topic will be Tudors and of course we will be looking forward to the London Residential.

Our class page on the website will keep you up to date with information, what’s happening in Class 3 and give you a feel for our fabulous children and class. Class 3 will be taught by Mrs Dobinson (Mondays and Tuesdays), Mr Critchley (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) and we have the brilliant Mrs Parker as our teaching assistant. 


Spellings – Children will have spelling lessons on a Thursday and tests on a Friday. Children have logins to Spelling Shed which enables them to practice their spellings both at home and at school.  

Reading – Children are responsible for changing their book once completed. In class we independently read every morning before lessons start and we expect the children to read at home, a mixture of shared and independent is great. A shared approach to reading diaries is encouraged - children are more than able to record their reading and you can write in their diaries too. Children will be rewarded for regular reading at home as it has the biggest impact on all aspects of their education.  Please help with this at home, thank you. 

Homework – Guided reading will take place with Mr Critchley on a Thursday. Homework for Class 3 (Maths and Guided Reading) will be set on a Thursday and Friday and collected on the corresponding days the following week. Homework is now completed on Showbie, children have logins for this app and use it at school. 

PE - PE kits to be in school please - we will have Gymnastics on a Monday and Dance on a Thursday to start the term.

Guitar - Please ensure that children remember to bring their guitars to school on a Monday - guitar lessons are a great opportunity and it is very difficult to teach when children forget to bring them. Much appreciated. 


If you have any concerns or questions about school or your child, please contact us directly on one of the following email addresses and we will do our best to support you. and 


We are all looking forward to another term filled with learning and laughter, 

Mrs Dobinson and Mr Critchley.  





