
Culgaith CofE

Primary School

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WOW! Our School has worked so hard - see the changes we have made to our Science curriculum.

At Culgaith School we have a clear, sequenced, and exciting 2 year rolling program that covers all content of the National Curriculum programme of study. We ensure our science lessons are practical, engaging and thought provoking. We encourage our children to ask questions, be curious, take part in discussions and collect data to support their theories and create conclusions.  


We have enthusiastic teachers who understand the value of science to our children's understanding of the world around them. We believe the practical element is highly valuable, teaching our children to conduct experiments, search for answers, collect and present data. Data collection is a strong link with mathematics.


The next generation of children will be at the forefront of modern medicine, climate change, sustainable living and renewable energy. We must encourage our children at Culgaith to not just accept but to question, think creatively and investigate. 


The children in our school have sequenced science lessons across the school that use a shared way of collecting evidence of scientific enquiry by using floor books, these are a great way to demonstrate the process of investigation. As a school we wanted to lift the amount and level of vocabulary being used in sessions, to support this we follow a clear sequenced progression of vocabulary from y1-6, highlighting the development as the children move through the school.


We use TAPS as our assessment tool, we think these are an interesting and valuable way to assess the children as they collect assessments through practical investigations. We conduct these in week four of a unit which ensures we have time to iron out any misconceptions the children may have.


At Culgaith School we are proud to be scientists!


In science at Culgaith we provide our children with an environment that provokes curiosity and the willingness to not only question but test theories. We ensure scientific enquiry is at the heart of our lessons, meaning our children are hands on scientists, developing key vocabulary and investigation skills.


Our clear sequenced science curriculum including the development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary takes the children from early scientists in the EYFS to confident, inquisitive, and knowledgeable year 6’s.


We collect a wealth of evidence from the children throughout their science sessions including class observations, questioning, discussions, individual workbooks, class enquiry floor books and TAPS assessments. These as a collective ensure we as teachers make solid judgements on the children’s understanding including misconceptions which feeds back into our planning, meaning our children have the best opportunity to learn, progress and succeed.

We believe that through the teaching of science in our school we teach children the broad range of skills included within the National Curriculum in a way that encourages them to be inquisitive, creative, curious, collaborative and resilient. These additional but vital skills developed throughout their science journey will equip them to be responsible and knowledgeable citizens, understanding that their contributions can and will make a difference to future generations.

British Science Week


As scientists we enjoyed a fantastic day of science experiments ranging from crazy chemical reactions, DNA of strawberries and creating rockets then zooming them to the sky with air pressure! 

Two Year Rolling Programme 


Year A

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Year 1+2


(Year 2)

Take care


Animals including humans

Materials - Good choices


Objects and materials (foundation unit)


Materials - shaping up

Apprentice gardener


Our changing world


Electric and movement (foundation unit)




(Year 4)


In a state of matter


Switched on

Where does all the food go?


Good vibration

Who am I?


Human Impact

Year 5+6


(Year 6)


Danger low voltage


Light up your world

Body pump


Body Health

Nature Library


Everything changes

Year B

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Year 1+2



Everyday materials

Objects and materials (foundation unit)


Sensing seasons

Our changing world - animal antics


Using our senses

Light and space (foundation unit)

Plants - Changing world and plant detectives


Animals and plants

(foundation unit)


Looking at animals

Year 3+4


(Year 3)

Rock detectives


Power of forces

Amazing bodies


Our changing world

How does your garden grow?



Can you see me?

Year 5+6


(Year 5)

Feel the force


Earth and Beyond

Marvellous mixtures


All change

Reproduction in plants and animals


The Circle of Life
