The Primary PE and Sport Premium grant must be used to fund development in the delivery of PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils aged 5-11 years old, so that all pupils develop a healthy lifestyle.
We had highlighted several areas to focus our funding on which will provide sustainable improvements to the future of our children’s healthy lifestyles and our school environment:
We do lots of school sport and we participate in numerous local sports events.
We have a number of different sports clubs that occur through the year too, such as cricket, football and netball. We welcomed Action Ants club who developed gross-motor skills from Reception up.
We have created sustainable links with the wider sporting community. For example; through our links with a local cricket club, some of our pupils have gone on the represent the East District. Our link with the Hunter-hall Cross-country has secured places for pupils at the County Finals. We are committed to sustaining these links in the future and working alongside coaches has enabled our staff to develop the confidence and skill to provide the very best in sporting education for our pupils.
We run an active playtime schedule - elected playleaders organise a range of physical activities for all pupils during lunch-break. Play-leaders work alongside our school council who are Phunky foods Ambassadors, actively promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for all.
All children from Nursery to Year 6 travel to Askham Outdoor Pool for two weeks of swimming lessons with Woggle Goggle. It is required for us to publish how many Year 6 children leave school having achieved National Curriculum Key Stage 2 attainment by completing 25 meters competently, confidently and consistently. In 2022--23, 100% of children achieved this award. Additionally, all the year 6 children used a range of strokes effectively and performed safe self-rescue situations.