Our uniform is based on common sense and safety. At school the children will be expected to take part in all sorts of activities both indoors and outdoors, some of which are messy! Please do not send the children in their best clothes.
The children also need to be comfortable, warm enough in winter and cool enough in summer so an extra layer that they can put on or take off is a good idea. Shoes need to be flat and supportive of their feet and we ask for a pair of wellies to be at school for outdoor use. We suggest … Sweatshirt, cardigan, or fleece (which can be purchased from Sam Scotts or Lakeland Embroidery in Penrith) Polo shirt or t-shirt (which can also be purchased from Sam Scotts or Lakeland Embroidery in Penrith) Comfortable trousers or skirt and shorts or cotton dress in summer Warm coat hat/gloves in winter, waterproof jacket and sunhat in summer Flat, sensible shoes Pair of wellies that stay in school please.
Please put your child’s name in all clothing. School provides waterproof trousers and jackets in the Early Years Classroom so that children can go out in most weather.
T-shirt Shorts Trainers (for outdoor PE); a tracksuit or joggers and a warm top for outdoor PE (School hoodies and jogging bottoms can be ordered for PE). Plimsolls are not required. Please label all clothing with your child’s name.
We would rather children did not wear jewellery for school at all for safety and security reasons. However, if they have pierced ears and you want them to have earrings they need to be small studs only. We also ask you to provide a roll of micropore tape so that we can cover their studs during PE lessons to prevent injury. (Micropore tape is available from chemists).