At Culgaith we believe that Music is a unique way of communication which can inspire and motivate children. Our vision of our pupils as 'Wonderfully made, individual arts of one body' is encompassed in our inclusive music provision. We offer an ambitious course of study where music is a vehicle for personal expression and plays an important role in the personal development of each child. Music reflects culture and society and so the teaching of music enables children to better understand the world in which they live.
Through making music, children learn to work cooperatively with others and develop leadership skills, creative thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and presentation and performance skills.
Our bespoke curriculum enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets outlined in the National curriculum and the aims of the curriculum align with those in the National curriculum.
Music at Culgaith is focused on celebration with a range of live performances both in school and in our wider community, allowing children to further enhance their cultural capital and community ethos.
At Culgaith we follow the National Curriculum, and resource through the use of specialist teachers of music and schemes such as Sing Up and Clickview.
We foster an understanding and enjoyment of music through interactive and engaging lessons that celebrate the cultures and traditions of a wide range of genres, including classical music. Listening skills and the vocabulary required to express an appreciation of music are taught so that children can learn to express their preferences for particular musical genres but always with respect and tolerance for other styles. All children in KS2 learn to play a musical instrument and read basic music. The knowledge and skills required to sing, perform and create music are taught, as well as the ability to record and notate music, each enabling the children to take part in a variety of musical performances, both independently and collaboratively and for different audiences.
The impact of Music at Culgaith is that we ensure that our children progress to secondary school armed with the confidence to analyse, read, perform, compose and create music as a result of a curriculum that inspires children to develop a lifelong love of music and an increased confidence in their own ability. Children develop and maintain positive attitudes towards other cultures, religions and societies, deepening and celebrating their understanding of modern Britain.
Cross Curricular Links
Music contributes significantly to the teaching of other areas of the curriculum allowing for meaningful links to be made to other areas of the curriculum where possible. Although Music is discretely taught and the integrity of Music as a specialist subject maintained, it does provide many opportunities for the children to enhance and develop their learning from other subjects, bringing further cohesion to our school curriculum.
Integration at Culgaith ensures that all children, regardless of their ability gain access to a curriculum that is supportive of their needs. Culgaith encourage integration across school so that our school community celebrates diversity and is built upon mutual respect and tolerance. With well-planned support, all children are able to gain access to a full and comprehensive curriculum that celebrates all children’s interests and skills.
Enrichment Opportunities
The Music curriculum is enriched in a variety of ways, including:
▪ Performances and visits to the local community;
▪ Whole school performances such as concerts, choirs and productions;
▪ visits to Young Voices concerts (KS2)
EYFS Progression and Assessment
Regular observations and assessments of learning are recorded using an on-line journal (Tapestry) and contribute to a summative assessment at the end of EYFS using the Early Years Outcomes.
KS1 and KS2
Formative assessments of pupils' learning are made and assessed through observations and classwork. These assessments contribute to a summative judgement at the end of each term against the Music statements found in the National Curriculum.